Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Celebrities have money and lots of it. And hey, there is nothing wrong spending it; it’s good for the economy, it keeps America booming. But when does a lot of spending become too much spending? Celebrities love to go big and do it right when it comes to homes, cars, vacations, clothes, jewelry, kids, and pets. More often then not they don’t know when to stop. Their obsession with material goods hurts the environment and reinforces the idea that material wealth means happiness.

We have all seen Jay Leno’s ridiculous car collection and Bill Gate’s tricked out house. But crazy spending doesn’t stop there. Does Aaron Spelling really need two Olympic size pools? Or does Nick Cage need three islands? Angela and Brad just spent over 100 million on a yacht so large it has its own helicopter pad. Ex-CEO of Tyco, Dennis Kozlowski, is known for having spent $6000 on a shower curtain (of money that wasn’t his. Don’t worry he’s in jail now.) and Jessica Simpson spent $75,000 on bed sheets. (And you thought Bed, Bath, and Beyond was a bit overpriced) Usher spent $7,500 on a birthday cake and Sean Combs spent $3 million on his own birthday party. (If only someone gave me $7,500 for my birthday) Brangelina is buying a $137 yacht that has a helicopter pad, pool, and full gym. They made sure to include environmentally friendly televisions, because that will make up for the amount of gas needed to run that cruise ship. According to Forbes, Brittany Spears spends about $241,020 a month. That’s five times what an average American family spends in a year. I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea. Celebrities spend ludicrous amounts of money and ridiculous things.

Celebrities deserve the money they make and are allowed to spend as they please, but maybe they should think twice about before they purchase their third yacht that they don’t use. When they try and out-do each other with their bling and crazy parties and it makes us want those same things. Whether we like it our not celebrities are all role models, as we watch them their behavior rubs off on us, and their materialism makes the accumulation of goods more important to us. Yes, maybe it is our fault we are too easily led astray, but it can’t hurt if the stars put their money towards better things like saving the environment, donating to charities, or feeding a small country.  

Posted by Julia

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